Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday V02

October 15, 2008

Last night 45 minutes foam roll and select relax into stretch drills to recover from get-up day.

Shoulder Mobility
Dipsy doodle 2x8
Russian leg raise 2x7
Barbell OH squat 2x5
Roll out, ab dollie 5 sec hold 2x8
24kg swing 1x10

V02max 60sets x 8rep protocol
V02max heart rate 189bpm
30 minutes
16,800 lb workload

I can achieve a max heart rate of 195 bpm, I checked my pulse for 10seconds after set 30 and I was only 156bpm. After set 60 I was at 189bpm. Felt strong, Saturday v02max will be 40sets followed by 80 on Monday.

Will take off tomorrow. Foam roll and stretch only.

1 comment:

Franklin said...

Your 60 sets with 8 per set is excellent! Keep up the great work!