Friday, December 18, 2009

Heavy Day

T- spine mobility

16kg gobblett squat ham stretch 5
Arm bar 5
Lateral lunge to cossack 5each
Down dog 5
Down dog walk out to full extension and back to push up position 1 push up and back to down dog 5
2 rounds

32kg get-up 1/1
36kg g/up 1/1
40 kg g/up 1/1

24kg Bent press 2/2
32kg Bent press 1/1
Now I see why this helps press a heavier bell.

40kg Clean 2/2x2

36kg Military press
1/1 x 5
Hindu squat 5 sets x 10reps
used the hindu as active recovery. Very good for shaking the tension from the press.

Swing Workout
24kg hand to hand 20
32kg two hand 10
36kg two hand 10
40kg two hand 10
3 rounds
150 sw

Started each set with enough recovery to perform a full power and keep shoulders in. I have some how found a new ab muscle during the swing. Just when you thought everything was tight, it gets tighter.
Kettlebell training is truly an internal focus.

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